
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Follow SPERO

A few days ago I was stuck in another never ending hold up on Old Madras Road and the signal timer showed 166 seconds for the green light. As always my fellow commuters didn’t even have the common sense or the courtesy to turn off their engines. These, like many other  such moments,  were the most daunting 3 minutes of my life when I imagined being infested with severe carcinoma of the lung/eye/brain because of all the carbon emissions.

Thank God I knew pranayam. But this science was never meant to tackle this scale of pollution. Even so I held my breath and escaped the smoke-filled nightmare.
It was then that I remembered a friend of mine mentioning an E-bike they were to introduce soon in the market.  After serious contemplation on the practicality of a bicycle, I called her for a demo. When the demo did materialize I was convinced that these bikes are the solitary solution to tackle varied harms such as
Carbon emissions
Respiratory allergies
Other general health issues arising out of pure lethargy
Traffic congestion and

most of all, it is pure fun to ride these bikes. One can choose to throttle or pedal and it is also equipped with a funky digital display gadget. But either ways it is a pleasurable experience, needless to mention the tremendous benefit of exercise that rejuvenates the mind and body.
I request all commuters to just imagine a street with minimal traffic snarls and a healthier lifestyle. Try this option that could be your first step in keeping fit and also adding your bit to help your world become a better place.
Book your E-bike now as the manufacturers in their altruistic endeavors have put it up for crowd funding and have some tempting offers for early birds. The prices may shoot up in the demand market. Log on to  and type “SPERO” in the search bar and begin a journey of illness free and pollution free lifestyle.

I have said a big yes to a safer, cleaner planet. When will you.....?

Monday, June 20, 2016

Finding Echolocator

Recently we saw an animated movie FINDING DORY. It was better than most sci-fis I had seen in all these years. It felt almost like a fun class on ocean life. An octopus has 3 hearts and a dolphin can do echolocation and so on. I and my children 7 and 13 respectively were truly fascinated by this phenomenon of echolocation. The dolphin (in the movie) could make a sound and visualize the images of the surroundings that the sound was able to touch and reflect or echo.

I came home determined to explain how it actually works to my kids who were full of questions  about these facts gathered from the movie. It was then that I discovered that echolocation is an ability that we frail and weak humans possess too. There are several articles, images and videos on the same and the visually impaired often use this ability to traverse through any terrain.

The Wikipedia claims that
 "Many blind individuals passively use natural environmental echoes to sense details about their environment; "
"Because sighted individuals learn about their environments using vision, they often do not readily perceive echoes from nearby objects. This is due to an echo suppression phenomenon brought on by the precedence effect. However, with training, sighted individuals with normal hearing can learn to avoid obstacles using only sound, showing that echolocation is a general human ability.
Now considering something so phenomenal to be a general human capability what else are we forgetting or missing out on. Can we see in the dark, climb tall structures and smell out individual scents. Are there many more evolutionary ability that have been erased from our minds never to be recalled again.

It hit me then that this is the price we have paid for the advancement in technology. We have come to depend so heavily on machines and gadgets that even something as mindless as remembering an oft called phone number evades us. We as a civilization of creatures generally known as humans are now only good at using our fingers or to be precise finger tips. Any work be it mental or physical is achieved by mere touch, flick and swipe not to be confused with the usage of  wands in the  Harry Potter series.

Trust me, magic needs massive concentration and mental labor and it should never be confused with technology. But it does make one think that "MAYBE", "WHY NOT" and "HOW COME".

As in "MAYBE" I have the capacity to do much more "WHY NOT" try and do some magic or atleast echolocation and "HOW COME" I wasn't told that I could become a bat or a dolphin if not a wizard. MAYBE I can live under water WHY NOT try telepathic communication   HOW COME everything is such a big mystery to me.

The problem is we have forgotten mostly the art of questioning anything that is posed before us as a fact or fiction as it makes no difference to us. We would still have our smart phone, smarter phone or smartest smart phone and just couldn't care less if we can echo locate or expilliarmate or whatever it is that we did do in the long gone past.

So long fellow frail humans till we decide to figure out the hidden secrets of human capabilities and capacities. Got a few SMS to send, some tweets to tweet and posts to post on whichever platforms, I am sure "You know it".