
Monday, November 3, 2014

Is thin in ?????

FAT Facts  

It is time to state some hard facts. Either one is too thin or too fat. No one is never just right. Till one does not acknowledge this fact they will remain exactly that. The truth is that it is not about how fat or thin you are it has always been about how fit instead.
 FIT, the three letter word that could change the way we live and feel.  One has to realize that the I makes a world of difference in our mental condition. The “I” here is who we are and also the way we see ourselves.  The minute we see FAT we get into the dangerous terrain of obsessing about obesity, which would kick start a set of haphazard crash diets and exercise regimes.  This is in turn would lead to constant spells of weight loss and gains.

At the end of the day one really needs to focus on the question of how healthy am I? We don’t need a health guide or personal trainer to be healthy.  It has been proven by many researches that all our problems start with weight gain. 

A slim story

Now to analyse the story of FAT it has been proven that it is triggered by bad eating habits. . After a point we are eating only to appease the 5th sense.  The thought of eating just enough does not occur to any of us. One never knows when to stop appeasing the tongue. It would solve our problem of overweight and in turn solve the overwhelming food crisis of the world. This can be sorted out by pacifying hunger pangs by eating  fruits, salads, sprouts and snacks like puffed rice that would appease hunger and not enhance your fat.
The second cause for weight gain is stress. Mental stress can lead to a situation wherein one is eating to pacify the psychological strain on the system. This should be addressed using traditional treatments such as honey and cinnamon that helps relieves stress and lemon is also a soothing ingredient, much like ginger.
The third biggest problem is working hours and conditions. Most of us work odd hours and hardly find time to eat healthy home cooked non greasy food. Odd work hours and in turn eating habit are the cause of extreme weight gain and other related problems.

FIT finale

As we can see weight gain has many causes hence going on a crash diet and or extreme exercise regimes can never help. One must be cognizant of being FIT and not thin. Thin is never in as fashions keep changing and trends also change time and again.
People on a weight loss campaign thin is in your mind and not in your body. You can be well endowed and look really beautiful as compared to a skinny starved person. So go for the FIT slogan and take the FAT fable out of your life. Best wishes to all for a healthy life.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Good news to all the citizens of INDIA

India is still a democracy. We still get to elect our leader to outline the making or breaking decisions on our behalf, In short “OUR LEADER”, three cheers. 

Don’t celebrate so fast, read on now for 

Bad news, to all the citizens of India

We don’t have a leader it seems. Let us see the key to good leadership

a. Honesty difficult yet desirable quality

b. Philanthropy is an important aspect of leadership.

c. Statesmanship could be another feature that one looks for in a leader. 

d. Financial management……………please most definitely Thank you.

e. Security is an important factor considering internal and external threats and vulnerabilities.

f. Parity is also something we expect from a leader.

Now we as nation with a collective consciousness have to weigh our options here.

Let us consider our options today. I beg my fellow citizens to not get carried away by caste and religious politics. Please apply the above mentioned key parameters and decide for one or the other.

                                     Honest  Philanthropist  Statesman  Financial  Wisdom  Security  Parity





People talk of riots when our main concern must be

a. To boost the value of our currency. 

b. The lack of jobs for the millions graduating from our many money swindling colleges.

c. The preposterous Fees charged by the schools.

d. The ever rising cost of edibles and consumables alike.

e. Depletion of fuel and other valuable resources 

f. Shortage of living space

g. And most importantly scarcity of water.

h. Not to mention The moral vacuum created under the circumstances.

I have enlisted them in a top down order starting from example of bad governance to the resultant scenario. Not much has changed in the last 60 years of our self-governance except for population explosion. The much spoken about Gujarat riots seem to be nothing in comparison to the riotous governance (GUNDA RAJ) that is making a BIG FOOL of the whole country.

Apart from this all these so called secular governments have had their share of riots like the Sikh butchery, Babri Masjid demolitions and the ensuing riots and not to start from the very beginning had one person had the magnanimity to let go of the prime ministerial title there would be no Pakistan or Bangladesh today.

The 2G spectrum, coal gate, and many other scams lined up by the media loose luster in a while. 

Please friends let us not allow trivial doubts cloud our decisions. Let us make sure that there is a change in our government and that change makes a huge difference to our lives. We do not want our children to travel in the same railways after another 6o years.

Jai Hind

Monday, January 6, 2014

My Paatshala

My hands are paining! My eyes are burning! Ah! My back is breaking,How much more”? And can I just stop now?
These are not the pleas of the daily laborers who are toiling in the hot sun, carrying heavy loads, but of the school going children.
Right from the time they are 2 – 3 years old, we decide to send them to school where they are taught
·       Shapes
·       Colors
·       Textures
·       Size
·       Names of objects
These are things that the kids can learn at home by trial and error, we are after all talking about little people who have been here and done it sometime or the other. They will learn sooner or later. But no sir! sorry, we are in a big hurry we do not have time and have to catch up with the rat race.
According to the ancient Indian system, a ritual called “Akshara abhyasam” or “vidhya arambam” is performed at the age of 6.  That is when the mind is ready to understand complex reasoning. In our culture the concept of written work did not exist and the child was taught verses orally thereby improving memory. 
A school in its purest form must induce the thirst for knowledge. The primary intention of education was to strike a balance between the physical, emotional and mental states of the individual. Once the mind and body are in harmony, one can talk of teaching hard core concepts. The student was taught by inciting curiosity and thereby extracting questions for which relevant answers where sought by both the student and the teacher.

Today the schools are more like factories that actually put every other child into the same mold irrespective of whether they fit or not. Surprisingly most children fit, save some rebels to call them that. Throwing a glance at the typical day of say a three year old the day starts with the kid lolling in bed till say 8-o-clock in the morning. The mother hurries the child to be ready in time for a school that normally starts at 9 or 9.30 pm. The little joys of the morning time like the sunrise, the birds chirping in a nearby tree, the squirrels scurrying about is lost. Then in the school the child is made to write the Alphabet like it is their only chance of surviving through the day. Back home the kid brings a load of the same survival kit to ensure further longevity. But that is not all, we will send them for extra (ordinary) classes after which the child gets to watch several scholarly shows like Doreamon, Ninja Hattori, Ben 10, and so many more in the same lines, till it is time to eat and go to bed.
What are these young children learning? There is no possibility for curiosity in this case. In today’s system we do not talk of this knowledge. Our only concern is to feed stale and useless information in the name of education, there is no scope to use a technique based on research and remedy as the current system is based on a set syllabus which the student merely has to memorize. That apart every other child is branded as either "A slow learner", "ADDHD", "Autistic", and the list goes on as they find newer words in the English dictionary thereby breaking the very core of that little human being. 
The great scientist Albert Einstein said, 
“The only source of knowledge is experience”. And also
“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge”. .
The one person I consider to have been truly enlightened after “The Buddha” is Albert Einstein. Had he be born in India am sure we would have the Einstein Mahapeetam dedicated in his glory thronged by the Einsteinites from all over the country as he could not be a mere mortal in our eyes. The point is that our ancient religious texts are nothing but scientific treatises. There are references to the “big bang theory” and what the scientists call the BOSONIC Particle, in Thirumular’s Thirumandiram, The Rigveda, and the Brihadharanyaka Upanishad. By categorizing them as sacred, divine and godly in the name of religion the wisdom of our country is lost in antiquity.

The present education system is successful in creating memory machines that can reproduce everything that is fed to it. We are each born with different gifts and thereby equipped differently to pursue in those lines. We all are most definitely not empty shells; there is something or the other in each of us that is unique and hence useful to the others. 

What we need at this point is a system that combines the ancient method to teach the new age concepts. Ideally a school
*   Must be close to home
*   Must be located preferably in a place with a lot of open area
*   The teacher student ratio must be 10 : 1
*   The school must start early
*   The school must begin with Yoga sessions everyday
*   There should not be any prescribed text books
* The class should be conducted in a responsive manner, based on research made on the subject by both the students and the teacher.
*   A typical day at school should be interjected with training in  music, dance and art training
*   Martial arts must be mandatory for boys and girls alike

Most people may find these ideas idealistic and impractical. "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve".
India today needs radical men and women who can break free from the prototype and go back to our roots when every individual was enlightened. The time has come when we as a nation have to wake up to the need to enforce moral values that are utterly lacking in our system and work toward achieving it.